
We’re Falling for These Petite Pumpkin Treats

If October had an official vegetable, the pumpkin would certainly be it! That’s why the Scout Elves thought it would be the perfect inspiration for a fall-friendly recipe just for you! Along with your little ones, make these petite treats using the Scout Elves’ simple seven-step recipe and you’ll create plump little pumpkins perfectly sized for snacking!

You’ll Need:

Petite Pumpkin Treats

  • 12 oz. package of orange candy melts
  • Twist pretzels
  • 3 tbsp. coconut oil (optional)
  • Orange sugar sprinkles
  • Green candy-coated chocolates
  • Fork
  • Wax paper


  1. FOLLOW the melting instructions on the package for the orange candy melts.
  2. MIX in 3 tbsp. coconut oil to give the candy melts a smoother consistency (optional).
  3. Using a fork, DIP the pretzels, one-by-one, into the candy, so they are fully coated.

    Petite Pumpkin Treats

  4. PLACE each pretzel onto a piece of wax paper.

    Petite Pumpkin Treats

  5. PLACE a green candy-coated chocolate as the stem of your “pumpkin” while they are still wet.

    Petite Pumpkin Treats

  6. DUST each pumpkin with orange sugar sprinkles while they are still wet.

    Petite Pumpkin Treats

  7. COOL in the fridge for 30 minutes.
  8. POP one of these petite pumpkins into your mouth, and enjoy!

Looking for more Halloween fun? Check out other Halloween recipes, crafts and DIY costumes to inspire your festive celebrations!

This recipe may contain ingredients that can cause allergic reactions in certain individuals. Before using our recipes, always check the ingredient list and food labels of all ingredients and be sure to seek advice from a qualified physician if needed.